Cutting-edge treatment which uses a patient’s own cells to boost the healing process

This regenerative medicine program involves cutting-edge science and technology, treating your injuries utilizing your own cells to repair tissue without recourse to surgery.

This treatment – often known as Platelet-Rich Plasma (or PRP) treatment – involves taking a sample of your blood and spinning it in a machine called a centrifuge, in order to separate out the various components. The component we are looking for in this case is platelets, the element of blood which is critical for clotting. Platelet-Rich Plasma also contains proteins known as growth factors which play a significant role in the biology of healing. 

Once the PRP has been extracted and treated, it is re-injected into the injury site to help biologically boost the healing process in the tissue, using ultrasound guidance to deliver it to exactly the right place. For some conditions PRP can also be used to treat back pain.


  • Treatments can help most musculoskeletal problems including tendonitis, sprains/strains, cartilage damage, shoulder/hip/knee pain, and discogenic lower back pain
  • PRP treatment has been used on a number of athletes, including Tiger Woods, Rafael Nadal and Kobe Bryant
  • PRP is given to optimize and recreate the initially inflammatory stage of healing
  • PRP can be used in the treatment of a number of conditions, including but not limited to Achilles tendinosis, Tennis elbow, Rotator cuff tears, and MCL injuries in the knee
  • Patients may require 1-4 treatments, depending on the severity of the injury